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Weather Records

These records were last verified in January 2011 and are used with permission from the 'National Meteorological Library and Archive' in Exeter, Devon.

A list of daily and monthly minimum / maximum temperatures can be found on the TORRO web site.

Minimum Temperature
England: -26.1 deg. C (Newport, Shropshire on 10th January 1982)
Wales: -23.3 deg. C (Rhayader, Powys on 21st January 1940)
Scotland: -27.2 deg. C (Altnaharra, Highlands on 30th December 1995)
Northern Ireland: -18.6 deg. C (Castlederg, County Tyrone on 23rd December 2010)

Maximum Temperature
England: 38.5 deg. C (Faversham, Kent on 10th August 2003)
Wales: 35.2 deg. C (Hawarden Bridge, Flintshire on 2nd August 1990)
Scotland: 32.9 deg. C (Greycrook, Borders on 9th August 2003)
Northern Ireland: 30.8 deg. C (Belfast, County Antrim on 12th July 1983)

Daily Rainfall
England: 314 millimetres (Seathwaite, Cumbria on 20th November 2009)
Wales: 211 millimetres (Lluest Wen Reservoir, Mid Glamorgan on 11th November 1929)
Scotland: 238 millimetres (Sloy Main Adit, Loch Lomond on 17th January 1974)
Northern Ireland: 159 millimetres (Tollymore Forest, County Down on 31st October 1968)

Maximum Wind Gust
England: 118 miles per hour (Gwennap Head, Cornwall on 15th December 1979)
Wales: 124 miles per hour (Rhoose, South Glamorgan on 28th October 1989)
Scotland: 142 miles per hour (Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire on 13th February 1989)
Northern Ireland: 124 miles per hour (Newry, County Down on 12th January 1974)

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